Returns and Refunds

ColaMalls Money Back Guarantee


Get  your money back—it’s that simple.

① Contact Your Seller

If an item hasn’t arrived or isn’t as described, go to My ColaMalls, select the item in your purchase history, and reach out to your seller.

② Not resolved? Let us know.

If you’ve talked to your seller and the issue still isn’t resolved after 1  business days,contact us.

③ We’ll get your money back. Fast.

You can count on hearing from us within 48 hours.

Need to Return an Item?

It’s easy to do on ColaMalls.

① Start Your Return


Select the item you want to return in your purchase history on ColaMalls.

② Ship the Item Back

If the seller asks, send the item back as soon as possible using their preferred return method.

③ Receive Your Refund

If the seller doesn’t refund your money, ask ColaMalls to step in and help.



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